


Chen, Hung-Yu



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電子郵件 hychen@mail.ntou.edu.tw


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出版年月 著作類別 著 作名稱 作 者 收 錄出處
2022-11 期刊論文 Theoretical and Experimental Adsorption of Silica Gel and Activated Carbon onto Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Water: A Case Study on the Remediation Assessment of a Contaminated Groundwater Site 陳宏瑜,羅翊慈;Hung-Yu Chen, I-Tzu Lo 應用科學
Applied Sciences - Basel
2022-04 期刊論文 The effect of aerosol size on Fe solubility and deposition flux: A case study in the East China Sea 謝志強,陳宏瑜,何東垣;2.Chih-Chiang Hsieh, Hung-Yu Chen, Tung-Yuan Ho 海洋科學
Marine Chemistry
2021-12 期刊論文 A study of the nitrogen and phosphorus imbalance in East Asia based on the distribution patterns of and stoichiometric variation in global atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus

陳宏瑜,黃立旻,何東垣,蔣國平,周文臣;Hung-Yu Chen, Li-Min Huang, Tung-Yuan Ho, Kuo-Ping Chiang, Wen-Chen Chou

Atmospheric Environment
2021-12 期刊論文 Zn elemental and isotopic features in sinking particles of the South China Sea: Implications for its sources and sinks Wen-Hsuan Liao, Shotaro Takano, Hung-An Tian, Hung-Yu Chen, Yoshiki Sohrin, Tung-Yuan Ho

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

2020-11 期刊論文 Composition and supply of inorganic and organic nitrogen species in dry and wet atmospheric deposition: Use of organic nitrogen composition to calculate the Ocean's external nitrogen flux from the atmosphere 陳宏瑜,黃士哲;Hung-Yu Chen, Shih-Zhe Huang 大陸棚研究
Continental Shelf Research
2020-09 期刊論文 Assessment of the Components and Sources of Acid Deposition in Northeast Asia: A Case Study of the Coastal and Metropolitan Cities in Northern Taiwan 陳宏瑜,許玲斐,黃士哲,鄭龍;Hung-Yu Chen, Ling-Fei Hsu, Shih-Zhe Huang and Long Zheng 大氣
2018-10 期刊論文 Effects of Atmospheric Dry Deposition on External Nitrogen Supply and New Production in the Northern South China Sea Hung-Yu Chen and Shih-Zhe Huang 大氣
2015-07 期刊論文 Dissolved organic nitrogen in wet deposition in a coastal city (Keelung) of the southern East China Sea: Origin, molecular composition and flux Chen, Y.X., Chen, H.Y., Wang, W., Yeh, J.X., Chou, W.C., Gong, G.C., Tsai, F.J., Huang, S.J., Lin, C.T. Atmospheric Environment
2015-03 期刊論文 Potential impacts of effluent from accelerated weathering of limestone on seawater carbon chemistry: A case study for the Hoping power plant in northeastern Taiwan Chou, W.C., Gong, G.C., Hsieh, P.S., Chang, M.H., Chen, H.Y., Yang, C.Y., Syu, R.W. Marine Chemistry
2013-04 期刊論文 A super Asian dust storm over the East and South China Seas: Disproportionate dust deposition Hsu, S.C., Tsai, F.J., Lin, F.J., Chen, W.N., Shiah, F.K., Huang, J.C., Chan, C.Y., Chen, C.C., Liu, T.H., Chen, H.Y., Tseng, C.M., Hung, G.W., Huang, C.H., Lin, S.H., Huang, Y.T. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere
2011-11 期刊論文 CO2 system in the oligotrophic northwest Pacific Ocean during the Asian dust storm season Chou, W.C., Gong, G.C., Cai, W.J., Sheu, D.D., Hung, C.C., Chen, H.Y., Chung, C.C. Marine Chemistry
2011-07 期刊論文 Yangtze River floods enhance coastal ocean phytoplankton biomass and potential fish production Gong, C.C., Liu, K.K., Chiang, K.P., Hsiung, T.M., Chang, J., Chen, C.C., Hung, C.C., Chou, W.C., Chung, C.C., Chen, H.Y., Shiah, F.K., Tsai, A.Y., Hsieh, C.H., Shiao, J.C., Tseng, C.M., Hsu, S.C., Lee, H.J., Lee, M.A., Tsai, F.J. Geophysical Research Letters
2011-02 期刊論文 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of the East China Sea and their relationship with carbonaceous materials Chin-Chang Hung*, Gwo-Ching Gong, Fung-Chi Ko, Hung-Jen Lee, Hung-Yu Chen, Jian-Ming Wu, Min-Lan Hsu, Sen-Chueh Peng, Fan-Hua Nan, Peter H. Santschi Marine Pollution Bulletin
2011-01 期刊論文 Occurrence of water soluble organic nitrogen in aerosols at a coastal area Chen, H.Y.*, and Chen, L.D. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
2010-11 期刊論文 Relationships between persistent organic pollutants and carbonaceous materials in aquatic sediments of Taiwan Hung, C.C.*, Gong, G.C., Ko, F.C., Chen, H.Y., Hsu, M.L., Wu, J.M., Peng, S.C., Nan, F.H., Yeager, K.M., and Santschi, P.H. Marine Pollution Bulletin
2010-11 期刊論文 Size-fractionation and molecular composition of water-soluble inorganic and organic nitrogen in aerosols of a coastal environment Chen, H.Y.*, Chen, L.D., Chiang, Z.Y., Hung, C.C., Lin, F.J., Chou, W.C., Gong, G.C., and Wen, L.S. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere
2010-11 期刊論文 The effect of typhoon on particulate organic carbon flux in the southern East China Sea Hung, C.C.*, Gong, G.C., Chou, W.C., Chung, C.C., Lee, M.A., Chang, Y., Chen, H.Y., Huang, S.J., Yang, Y., Yang, W.R., Chung Biogeosciences
2009-07 期刊論文 Particulate carbohydrates and uronic acids in the northern East China Sea Hung, C.C.*, Gong, G.C., Chiang, K.P., Chen, H.Y., Yeager, K.M. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
2009-06 期刊論文 Distribution and contamination of trace metals in surface sediments of the East China Sea Fang, T.H.*, Li, J.Y., Feng, H.M. and Chen, H.Y. Marine Environmental Research
2008-08 期刊論文 The importance of anthropogenic inputs and continental-derived dust for the distribution and flux of water-soluble nitrogen and phosphorus species in aerosol within the atmosphere over the East China Sea Chen, H.Y.*, Chen, L.D. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere
2008-01 期刊論文 Dry deposition and particle size distribution of phosphorus in the marine atmosphere over the northeastern coast of Taiwan Chen, H.Y.*, Hung, C.C., Fang, T.H., Gong, G.C. Continental Shelf Research
2008-01 期刊論文 Occurrence of azaarenes in sediments of the Danshuei River, Taiwan -- The use of azaarenes as indicator of anthropogenic source to the estuarine system Chen, H.Y.*, Su, C.C., Hung, C.C., Yeh, T.C., Shen, Y.H., Tsai, C.H., Chen, L.D., Gong, G.C. Environmental Toxicology
2006--- 期刊論文 Characterization of phosphorus in the aerosol of a coastal atmosphere: Using a sequential extraction method 陳宏瑜 Atmospheric Environment
2006--- 期刊論文 Trace metals in seawater and copepods in the ocean outfall area off the northern Taiwan coast Tien-Hsi Fang*, Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Shih-Hui Hsiao, Hung-Yu Chen Marine Environmental Research
2005--- 期刊論文 A preliminary study of the distributions of Cd in the South China Sea 陳宏瑜*,方天熹,溫良碩 Continental Shelf Research
2004--- 期刊論文 Dissolution of azaarenes from urban aerosols 陳宏瑜*, Preston, M.R. Atmospheric Environment
2004--- 期刊論文 Measurement of semi-volatile azaarenes in airborne particulate and vapor phases 陳宏瑜*, Preston, M.R. Analytica Chimica Acta



年度 專案案名 計畫種類
110 以全球大氣中氮磷分佈型態及化學計量變異探討東亞氮磷比率失衡現象 科技部
109 大氣磷沉降沉降對海洋表層生地化循環之影響 科技部
108 大氣沉降所提供海洋額外氮物種對海水新生產力之影響 科技部
107 高雄光中營區整治期間地下水氯化物消長調查 其他單位產學計畫
107 南東海之大氣磷沉降研究: 組成、來源和氮物種之關係 科技部
106 全球變遷對西北太平洋臺灣海域海洋生物地球化學與生態系統影響之長期觀測與研究 (Ⅱ)-子計畫:全球變遷因子對東海及西北太平洋黑潮海域大氣磷物種組成之影響 科技部
105 全球變遷對西北太平洋臺灣海域海洋生物地球化學與生態系統影響之長期觀測與研究(Ⅱ)-子計畫:全球變遷因子對東海及西北太平洋黑潮海域大氣活性氮物種之影響 科技部
104 全球變遷對西北太平洋臺灣海域海洋生物地球化學與生態系統影響之長期觀測與研究(Ⅱ)-子計畫:全球變遷因子對東海及西北太平洋黑潮海域大氣總有機氮通量關係之影響 科技部
103 全球變遷對西北太平洋臺灣海域海洋生物地球化學與生態系統影響之長期觀測與研究(I)-子計畫:全球變遷因子對東海及西北太平洋黑潮海域大氣懸浮微粒有機氮通量關係之影響 科技部
102 全球變遷對西北太平洋臺灣海域海洋生物地球化學與生態系統影響之長期觀測與研究(I)-子計畫:全球變遷因子對東海及西北太平洋黑潮海域大氣乾濕沉降營養鹽來源的影;NCS102-2611-M-019-007- 國科會
101 台澎金馬間海域環境調查 其他單位產學計畫
101 全球變遷對西北太平洋臺灣海域海洋生物地球化學與生態系統影響之長期觀測與研究(I)-子計畫:全球變遷因子對東海及西太平洋黑潮海域大氣懸浮微粒有機營養鹽來源的影響及大氣模式;NSC101-2611-M-019-006- 國科會
100 東海長期觀測與研究(IV)-子計畫:東海氣膠中有機碳與有機氮之分子組成(Ⅱ);NSC100-2611-M-019-006- 國科會
99 99年度台灣北部海域環境品質調查監測計畫 其他單位產學計畫
99 東海長期觀測與研究(IV)-子計畫:東海氣膠中有機碳與有機氮之分子組成;NSC99-2611-M-019-003- 國科會
98 東海長期觀測與研究(IV)-子計畫:大氣營養鹽物質沉降通量與環境變遷之關係;NSC98-2611-M-019-012- 國科會
97 東海長期觀測與研究(Ⅲ):河川與大氣輸送物質對生物地球化學作用之影響-子計畫:大氣有機營養鹽及環境污染有機物的行為與通量(Ⅱ);NSC97-2745-M-019-002-; 國科會
96 東海長期觀測與研究(Ⅲ):河川與大氣輸送物質對生物地球化學作用之影響-子計畫:大氣有機營養鹽及環境污染有機物的行為與通量(Ⅲ) NSC96-2611-M-019-003- 國科會
95 東海長期觀測與研究(Ⅲ):河川與大氣輸送物質對生物地球化學作用之影響-大氣有機營養鹽及環境污染有機物的行為與通量 NSC-95-2611-M-019-014- 國科會
94 台灣北部海域無機性有機性含氮物種之大氣輸入研究;NSC94-2611-M-019-017-; 國科會
93 台灣北部海域氣膠中水溶性氮物種之研究NSC93-2611-M-019-014- 國科會
92 北部海域海源性氣膠化學組成與通量之研究NSC92-2611-M-019-008 國科會