


Wei, Chih-Chiang

連絡電話 02-2462-2192 ext. 6328
辦公室 海洋系系館 310
電子郵件 ccwei@ntou.edu.tw
專長 海洋資料探勘、大數據與機器學習、海洋遙測與應用、海氣參數分析與預測
學歷 國立臺灣大學土木工程學系 工學博士
經歷 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋環境資訊系 系主任
        University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)訪問學者
研究領域 AI在海洋上的應用、深度學習與機器學習、Big Data技術應用、天氣分析與預測、颱風風浪研究、海岸災害預警系統
Biography&Lab(click me)






出版年月 著作類別 著 作名稱 作 者 收 錄出處
2020-12 期刊論文 Comparison of river basin water level forecasting methods: sequential neural networks and multiple-input functional neural networks Wei, C.C.* Remote Sensing
2020-08 期刊論文 Typhoon quantitative rainfall prediction from big data analytics by using the Apache Hadoop Spark parallel computing framework Wei, C.C.*, Chou, T.H. Atmosphere
2020-07 期刊論文 Development of stacked long short-term memory neural networks with numerical solutions for wind velocity predictions Wei, C.C.* Advances in Meteorology
2020-07 期刊論文 Extreme gradient boosting model for rain retrieval using radar reflectivity from various elevation angles Wei, C.C.*, Hsu, C.C. Remote Sensing
2020-07 期刊論文 Real-time extreme rainfall evaluation system for the construction industry using deep convolutional neural networks Wei, C.C.* Water Resources Management
2020-03 期刊論文 Estimation of hourly rainfall during typhoons using radar mosaic-based convolutional neural networks Wei, C.C.*, Hsieh, P.Y. Remote Sensing
2020-03 期刊論文 Nearshore two-step typhoon wind-wave prediction using deep recurrent neural networks Wei, C.C.*, Cheng, J.Y. Journal of Hydroinformatics
2019-11 期刊論文 Study on wind simulations using deep learning techniques during typhoons: a case study of Northern Taiwan Wei, C.C.* Atmosphere
2019-09 期刊論文 Evaluation of photovoltaic power generation by using deep learning in solar panels installed in buildings Wei, C.C.* Energies
2019-02 期刊論文 風力作用下船舶纜繩受力模式建置 蔡立宏、洪維屏、吳南靖、魏志強、蔡加正、吳冠德 港灣季刊
2018-12 期刊論文 Using adjacent buoy information to predict wave heights of typhoons offshore of northeastern Taiwan Wei, C.C.*, Hsieh, C.J. Water
2018-04 期刊論文 Regional forecasting of wind speeds during typhoon landfall in Taiwan: a case study of westward-moving typhoons Wei, C.C.*, Peng, P.C., Tsai, C.H., Huang, C.L. Atmosphere
2018-03 期刊論文 Artificial neural network for forecasting wave heights along a ship's route during hurricanes Tsai, C.C., Wei, C.C.*, Hou, T.H., Hsu, T.W. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
2018-03 研討會論文 Regional forecasting of wind speeds during typhoon landfall in Taiwan: a case study of westward-moving typhoons 魏 志強*  
2018-01 期刊論文 Nearshore wave predictions using data mining techniques during typhoons: a case study near Taiwan's Northeastern coast Wei, C.C.* Energies
2017-11 研討會論文 類神經網路預測近岸任意點颱風風浪之研究 謝家榮、魏志強*、張人懿  
2017-10 期刊論文 Examining El Niño–Southern Oscillation effects in the subtropical zone to forecast long-distance total rainfall from typhoons: a case study in Taiwan Wei, C.C.* Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2017-10 期刊論文 Predictions of surface solar radiation on tilted solar panels using machine learning models: case study of Tainan City, Taiwan Wei, C.C.* Energies
2017-10 期刊論文 Trade-off analysis of discharge-desiltation-turbidity and ANN analysis on sedimentation of a combined reservoir–reach system under multi-phase and multi-layer conjunctive releasing operation Huang, C.L., Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C., Yao, J.H. Journal of Hydrology
2017-09 期刊論文 Conceptual weather environmental forecasting system for identifying potential failure of under-construction structures during typhoons Wei, C.C.* Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
2017-06 期刊論文 Risk analysis of reservoir operation considering short-term flood control and long-term water supply: a case study for Da-Han Creek Basin in Taiwan Cheng, W.M., Huang, C.L., Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C. Water
2017-05 研討會論文 結合數值統計模式預測近岸颱風風浪之研究 魏志強*、張人懿、謝家榮  
2017-04 研討會論文 應用機器學習法於颱風風浪分類之研究 許振嘉、魏志強*  
2017-03 研討會論文 Machine learning algorithms for predicting typhoon-induced wave heights Wei, C.C.*  
2017-02 期刊論文 Comparison of methods for non-stationary hydrologic frequency analysis: case study using annual maximum daily precipitation in Taiwan Chen, P.C., Wang, Y.H., You, G.J.Y., Wei, C.C. Journal of Hydrology
2017-02 研討會論文 Typhoon long-distance total rainfall forecast considering El Niño–Southern Oscillation effects in the subtropical zone 魏志強*  
2016-10 研討會論文 颱風期間臺灣東北部近岸波浪預測之研究 謝家榮、魏志強*  
2016-08 期刊論文 Comparing single- and two-segment statistical models with a conceptual rainfall-runoff model for river streamflow prediction during typhoons Wei, C.C.* Environmental Modelling & Software
2016-07 期刊論文 Prediction of influential operational compost parameters for monitoring composting process Lin, C., Wei, C.C.*, Tsai, C.C. Environmental Engineering Science
2016-03 研討會論文 Development of typhoon rainfall forecast model using satellite data Wei, C.C.*  
2016-02 研討會論文 區域環境氣候預測系統偵測施工結構物破壞之研究 魏志強*  
2016-01 期刊論文 Rainfall-runoff prediction using dynamic typhoon information and surface weather characteristic considering monsoon effects Wei, C.C.*, Hsu, N.S., Huang, C.L. Water Resources Management
2015-11 期刊論文 Coupled heuristic prediction of long lead-time accumulated total inflow of a reservoir during typhoons using deterministic recurrent and fuzzy inference-based neural network Huang, C.L., Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C. Water
2015-10 期刊論文 Diagnosing rain occurrences using passive microwave imagery: a comparative study on probabilistic graphical models and “black box” models Wei, C.C.*, You, G.J.Y., Chen, L., Chou, C.C., Roan, J. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2015-09 期刊論文 Optimal spatial design of capacity and quantity of rainwater harvesting systems for urban flood mitigation Huang, C.L., Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C., Luo, W.J. Water
2015-07 期刊論文 Parameter automatic calibration approach for neural-network-based cyclonic precipitation forecast models Lo, D.C., Wei, C.C.*, Tsai, N.P. Water
2015-05 研討會論文 Typhoon rainfall forecast model development using SSMIS satellite passive microwave radiometers and verification in various cases Wei, C.C.*  
2015-04 期刊論文 Using artificial intelligence to retrieve the optimal parameters and structures of adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system for typhoon precipitation forecast modeling Huang, C.L., Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C., Lo, C.W. Advances in Meteorology
2015-03 期刊論文 Forecasting surface wind speeds over offshore islands near Taiwan during tropical cyclones: comparisons of data-driven algorithms and parametric wind representations Wei, C.C.* Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2015-03 期刊論文 Multi-phase intelligent decision model for reservoir real-time flood control during typhoons Hsu, N.S., Huang, C.L., Wei, C.C. Journal of Hydrology
2015-02 期刊論文 Military logistics and transport model design based on maritime engineering Han, T.C., Sung, A., Dye, C.Y., Chou, C.C., Wei, C.C. Applied Mechanics and Materials
2015-02 期刊論文 Real-time forecast of reservoir inflow hydrographs incorporating terrain and monsoon effects during typhoon invasion by novel intelligent numerical-statistic impulse Hsu, N.S., Huang, C.L., Wei, C.C. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
2015-02 研討會論文 Study on integrated typhoon long-distance and short-distance rainfall forecast model based on ENSO scenarios 魏 志強*  
2015-01 期刊論文 Comparing lazy and eager learning models for water level forecasting in river-reservoir basins of inundation regions Wei, C.C.* Environmental Modelling & Software
2014-12 期刊論文 Surface wind nowcasting in the Penghu Islands based on classified typhoon tracks and the effects of the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan Wei, C.C.* Weather and Forecasting
2014-12 研討會論文 Wave height predictions for ship navigation during tropical cyclones Wei, C.C.*, Hou, T.H., Tsai, C.C.  
2014-12 研討會論文 Wind velocity predictions over the Penghu Islands of Taiwan during tropical cyclones Wei, C.C.*  
2014-09 研討會論文 Surface wind prediction in Penghu Islands based on typhoon tracks 魏 志強*  
2014-07 期刊論文 Application of neural networks and optimization model in conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater Chen, C.W., Wei, C.C., Liu, H.J., Hsu, N.S. Water Resources Management
2014-06 期刊論文 Simulation of operational typhoon rainfall nowcasting using radar reflectivity combined with meteorological data Wei, C.C.* Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2014-04 期刊論文 Meta-heuristic Bayesian networks retrieval combined polarization corrected temperature and scattering index for precipitations Wei, C.C.* Neurocomputing
2014-02 研討會論文 支 援向量機模式結合SSM/I 微波頻道反演陸上颱風降水之研究 魏 志強*  
2014-01 期刊論文 Two-stage pumping control model for flood mitigation in inundated urban drainage basins Wei, C.C.*, Hsu, N.S., Huang, C.L. Water Resources Management
2013- 期刊論文 Application of pumping operation models for a drainage system Wei, C.C.* Applied Mechanics and Materials
2013- 期刊論文 Data mining for industrial engineering and management (Editorial) Wei, C.C.* Industrial Engineering and Management
2013- 期刊論文 Genetic-evolved Bayesian networks in a biomedical application Wei, C.C.* Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
2013- 期刊論文 Improvement of typhoon precipitation forecast efficiency by coupling SSM/I microwave data with climatologic characteristics and precipitation Wei, C.C.* Weather and Forecasting
2013- 期刊論文 Intelligent real-time operation of a pumping station for an urban drainage system Hsu, N.S., Huang, C.L., Wei, C.C. Journal of Hydrology
2013- 期刊論文 Probabilistic graphical models for the medical industry developed using enhanced learning algorithms Wei, C.C.* Industrial Engineering and Management
2013- 期刊論文 Soft computing techniques in ensemble precipitation nowcast Wei, C.C.* Applied Soft Computing
2013- 期刊論文 結 合遺傳演算法與運算樹模式改進雷達推估降雨量:以石門測站颱風事件為例 陳 莉、葉惠中、魏志強、黃誌川、傅囿蓉 農 業工程學報
2013- 研討會論文 Scattering index combined with support vector regression for the rainfall retrievals over land Wei, C.C.*  
2013- 研討會論文 以機器學習方法結合氣象水文與衛星微波頻道資料提升颱風降雨量預測能力之研究 魏志強*  
2013- 研討會論文 以資訊技術提升颱風降雨預測能力之研究 魏志強*  
2013- 研討會論文 網路醫療資訊與人口特質對民眾就醫行為之影響-以嘉義縣某區域教學醫院為例 魏志強*、林秋湧  
2012- 期刊論文 Decision tree-based classifier combined with neural-based predictor for water-stage forecasts in a river basin during typhoons: a case study in Taiwan Tsai, C.C., Lu, M.C., Wei, C.C.* Environmental Engineering Science
2012- 期刊論文 Discretized and continuous target fields for the reservoir release rules during floods Wei, C.C.* Water Resources Management
2012- 期刊論文 FIDs classifier for artificial intelligence and its application Wei, C.C.* Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2012- 期刊論文 Nearest neighbor search for diagnosing rain/non-rain discrimination Wei, C.C.*, Lu, Y.H. Advanced Materials Research
2012- 期刊論文 Neural-based decision trees classification techniques: a case study in water resources management Wei, C.C., Chen, L., Hsu, H.H. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2012- 期刊論文 RBF neural networks combined with principal component analysis applied to quantitative precipitation forecast for a reservoir watershed during typhoon periods Wei, C.C.* Journal of Hydrometeorology
2012- 期刊論文 Receiver operating characteristic for diagnosis of wine quality by Bayesian network classifiers Wei, C.C.* Advanced Materials Research
2012- 期刊論文 Retrievals for the rainfall rate over land using Special Sensor Microwave/Imager data during tropical cyclones: comparisons of scattering index, regression, and support vector regression Wei, C.C.*, Roan, J. Journal of Hydrometeorology
2012- 期刊論文 Study on the trade-off between ecological base flow and optimized water supply Hsu, N.S., Chiang, C.H., Cheng, W.M., Wei, C.C. Water Resources Management
2012- 期刊論文 Wavelet kernel support vector machines forecasting techniques: case study on water-level predictions during typhoons Wei, C.C.* Expert Systems with Applications
2012- 期刊論文 Wavelet support vector machines for forecasting precipitation in tropical cyclones: comparisons with GSVM, regression, and MM5 Wei, C.C.* Weather and Forecasting
2012- 期刊論文 以數位技術進行地方產業文化典藏與電子商務導入:以嘉義縣梅山鄉觀光果園為例 魏志強*、余婕安、賴秋瑋 環境與管理研究
2012- 期刊論文 地下水系統抽水操作規則最佳化之研究 陳敬文、蔡旻璋、魏志強、徐年盛 臺灣水利
2012- 期刊論文 埤塘灌溉系統中擴充埤塘關鍵位置之辨識 鄭文明、魏志強、徐年盛* 農業工程學報
2012- 期刊論文 智慧型都市排水抽水站即時操作系統之研發 黃建霖、徐年盛、魏志強 農業工程學報
2012- 期刊論文 水資源最佳運用下生態基流量之決定 徐年盛、江仲翔、鄭文明、魏志強 臺灣水利
2012- 期刊論文 類神經網路結合優選模式於地面水與地下水聯合運用之研究 陳敬文、魏志強、陳俊廷、徐年盛 臺灣水利
2011- 期刊論文 C4.5 classifier for solving the problem of water resources engineering Wei, C.C.*, You, J.Y. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
2011- 期刊論文 Grammatical evolution for total phosphorus in reservoir prediction Kao, C.M., Chen, L., Wei, C.C., Fu, Y.R. Advanced Materials Research
2011- 期刊論文 Prediction of reservoir water quality by using artificial neural network: a case study of Chlorophyll-a in Shihmen Reservoir Chen, L., Wei, C.C.*, Kao, C.M., Hou, K.Y. Scientific Journal of Mathematics Research
2011- 期刊論文 Reservoir turbidity forecasting coupled adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C., Huang, C.L., Yao, C.H. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
2010- 期刊論文 Data mining classification techniques in the development of the quantitative precipitation forecasting model during typhoon periods Wei, C.C., Hsu, H.H., Chen, L., You, J.Y., Chiu, C.H. International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science
2010- 期刊論文 Modeling slump flow of high-performance concrete using a back-propagation network Chien, W.H., Chen, L., Wei, C.C., Wang, T.S. Applied Mechanics and Materials
2010- 研討會論文 The risk analysis of shortage in drought period and over-levee in typhoon period for different upper limit sets of reservoir Cheng, W.M., Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C., Cheng, W.C.  
2009- 期刊論文 Optimal tree-based release rules for real-time flood control operations on a multipurpose multireservoir system Wei, C.C., Hsu, N.S. Journal of Hydrology
2009- 研討會論文 資 料庫能力線上測驗系統之開發 魏 志強*、董建亨  
2008- 期刊論文 Decision-tree analysis on optimal release of reservoir storage under typhoon warnings Cheng, C.C., Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C. Natural Hazards
2008- 期刊論文 Derived operating rules for a reservoir operation system: comparison of decision trees, neural decision trees and fuzzy decision trees Wei, C.C.*, Hsu, N.S. Water Resources Research
2008- 期刊論文 Multireservoir flood-control optimization with neural-based linear channel level routing under tidal effects Wei, C.C., Hsu, N.S. Water Resources Management
2008- 期刊論文 Multireservoir real-time operations for flood control using balanced water level index method Wei, C.C., Hsu, N.S. Journal of Environmental Management
2008- 期刊論文 Optimization and capacity expansion of a water distribution system Hsu, N.S., Cheng, W.C., Cheng, W.M., Wei, C.C., Yeh, W.W.G. Advances in Water Resources
2008- 研討會論文 Deriving flood-control release rules on a reservoir operation system Wei, C.C.*  
2007- 期刊論文 A multipurpose reservoir real-time operation model for flood control during typhoon invasion Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C.* Journal of Hydrology
2007- 期刊論文 Development of a real-time optimization model for flood control of a multipurpose reservoir Wei, C.C., Hsu, N.S. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
2007- 期刊論文 Estimation of water resources availability in Taiwan Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006
2007- 期刊論文 以決策樹分析法決定颱風預報下水庫最佳預洩水量 魏志強、鄭昌奇、徐年盛 臺灣水利
2007- 期刊論文 多水庫系統最佳防洪放水規則之建立與應用—以淡水河流域為例 徐年盛、魏志強 台大工程學刊
2007- 研討會論文 Model development for estimating groundwater recharge from inundated paddy rice field Hsu, N.S., Lin, W.T., Huang, H.L., Wei, C.C.  
2006- 研討會論文 Development and utilization of water resources in Taiwan Hsu, N.S., Wei, C.C.  
2005- 研討會論文 A real-time optimization model for flood control Wei, C.C.*, Hsu, N.S.



年度 專案案名 計畫種類
110 雷達回波影像提取風場特徵並以深度學習法推估颱風風浪之研究 科技部
110 語義分割全卷積神經網路建立區域降雨推估模型之研發 科技部
109 卷積神經網路模式於營建施工時期極端降雨量推估之研發 科技部
109 整合數值氣候與風浪之智慧型模式預測颱風風場與近岸風浪之研究 科技部
108 研發數值智慧型風力預測模式於颱風時期營建施工上之應用 科技部
108 基於衛星反演資料之颱風降水預測模式及推估流域流量之研究     科技部
108 研發數值智慧型風力預測模式於颱風時期營建施工上之應用 科技部
107 太陽輻射深度學習預測模式及光伏太陽能分析平台之研發 科技部
107 結合氣候數值模式與機器學習法於大數據運算平台即時預測颱風風速之研究(II) 科技部
108 研發數值智慧型風力預測模式於颱風時期營建施工上之應用 科技部
106 結合氣候數值模式與機器學習法於大數據運算平台即時預測颱風風速之研究 科技部
103 颱風侵襲期間考量取水濁度限制下水庫防洪與防淤最佳即時操作模式之研發(1/3) 科技部
103 聖嬰南方震盪情境下遠距與近距颱風降水預測模式之研究 科技部
104 聖嬰南方震盪情境下遠距與近距颱風降水預測模式之研究(II) 科技部
104 產學合作計畫-開發區域環境氣候預測服務系統於營建業之應用 科技部
105 耦合數值統計模式預測近岸颱風風浪之研究 科技部
103 颱風侵襲期間考量取水濁度限制下水庫防洪與防淤最佳即時操作模式之研發(1/3) 科技部
102 流域水情模擬與預報模式精度與效能提升之研究--子計畫:水庫排洪最佳即時操作模式之研發(III) 科技部
101 流域水情模擬與預報模式精度與效能提升之研究--子計畫:水庫排洪最佳即時操作模式之研發(II) 科技部
100 流域水情模擬與預報模式精度與效能提升之研究--子計畫:水庫排洪最佳即時操作模式之研發(I) 科技部
99 氣候變異與都市化對台中盆地洪災之影響研究--子計畫:水庫排洪最佳即時操作模式(I) 科技部
97 新近資料分類技術應用於最佳颱風即時定量降水預報模式之研發(1/2) 科技部
96 應用資料探勘分類技術於水庫最佳防洪放水規則之研究 科技部