


Cheng, Yu-Hsin

連絡電話 02-2462-2192 ext. 6316

辦公室 海洋系系館 303

電子郵件 yhcheng@email.ntou.edu.tw

專長 海洋現場觀測、海洋衛星遙測、物理海洋學

學歷 國立台灣海洋大學 海洋環境資訊系 理學博士

經歷 國立臺灣海洋大學 海洋環境資訊系 助理教授
   國立臺灣大學 海洋研究所 博士後研究員
   廈門大學 海洋與地球學院 博士後研究員

研究興趣 海洋中尺度/次中尺度渦旋與紊流混合之研究、內波、海洋自然災害

Biography&Lab(click me)









出版年月 著作類別 著 作名稱 作 者 收 錄出處
2022-12 期刊論文 Internal hydraulic transition and turbulent mixing observed in the Kuroshio over the I-Lan Ridge off northeastern Taiwan Ming-Huei Chang , Yu-Hsin Cheng , Yu-Yu Yeh , Yiing Jang Yang , Sen Jan , Chih-Lun Liu , Takeshi Matsuno , Takahiro Endoh , Eisuke Tsutsumi , Jia-Lin Chen , and Xinyu Guo Journal of Physical Oceanography
2022-10 期刊論文 Helmholtz Billows Over a Seamount in the Kuroshio. Frontiers in Marine Science Ming-Huei, Chen Chung-Chi Science
2021-07 期刊論文 Mooring observed intraseasonal oscillations in the central South China Sea during summer monsoon season Sen Jan, Ming-Huei Chang, Yiing Jang Yang, Chung-Hsiung Sui, Yu-Hsin Cheng, Yu-Yu Yeh and Chung-Wei Lee Scientific Reports
2021-01 期刊論文 Direct measurements reveal instabilities and turbulence within large amplitude internal solitary waves beneath the ocean Ming-Huei Chang, Yu-Hsin Cheng, Yiing Jang Yang, Sen Jan, Steven R. Ramp, D. Benjamin Reeder, Wan-Ting Hsieh, Dong S. Ko, Kristen A. Davis, Huan-Jie Shao & Ruo-Shan Tseng Communications Earth & Environments
2020-04 期刊論文 Submesoscale Eddy and Frontal Instabilities in the Kuroshio Interacting with a Cape South of Taiwan Cheng, Yu‐Hsin, Ming‐Huei Chang, Dong S. Ko, Sen Jan, Magdalena Andres, Anthony Kirincich, Yiing Jang Yang, and Jen‐Hua Tai Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
2019-09 期刊論文 Observations of island wakes at high Rossby numbers: Evolution of submesoscale vortices and free shear layers Chang, Ming-Huei, Sen Jan, Chih-Lun Liu, Yu-Hsin Cheng, and Vigan Mensah Journal of Physical Oceanography
2018-08 期刊論文 Exceptionally cold water days in the southern Taiwan Strait: their predictability and relation to La Nina Cheng, Yu-Hsin, and Ming-Huei Chang Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
2018-01 期刊論文 Zonal migration and transport variations of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan induced by eddy impingement Chang, Ming-Huei, Sen Jan, Vigan Mensah, Magdalena Andres, Luc Rainville, Yiing Jang Yang and Yu-Hsin Cheng Deep-Sea Research Part I
2017-10 期刊論文 Interannual variability of cold domes northeast of Taiwan Cheng, Yu-Hsin, Jiayu Hu, Quanan Zheng and Feng-Chun Su International Journal of Remote Sensing
2017-01 期刊論文 Statistical features of eddies approaching the Kuroshio east of Taiwan Island and Luzon Island Cheng, Yu-Hsin, Chung-Ru Ho, Quanan Zheng, Bo Qiu, Jianyu Hu, Nan-Jung Kuo Journal of Oceanography
2015-04 期刊論文 Regional Flooding Induced by Tide and Warm Water Effects in Tuvalu Lin, Chen-Chih, Chung-Ru Ho, Yu-Hsin Cheng, and Shin-Jye Liang Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences journal
2014-06 期刊論文 Statistical Characteristics of Mesoscale Eddies in the North Pacific Derived from Satellite Altimetry Cheng, Yu-Hsin, Chung-Ru Ho, Quanan Zheng and Nan-Jung Kuo remote sensing
2014-03 期刊論文 Modulation of Kuroshio transport by mesoscale eddies at the Luzon Strait entrance Lien, Ren‐Chieh, Barry Ma, Yu‐Hsin Cheng, Chong‐Ru Ho, Bo Qiu, Craig M. Lee, and Ming‐Huei Chang Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
2014-02 期刊論文 Interpreting and analyzing King Tide in Tuvalu Lin, Chen-Chih, Chung-Ru Ho, and Yu-Hsin Cheng Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
2012-08 期刊論文 Observation of typhoon eyes on the sea surface using multi-sensors Cheng, Yu-Hsin, Shih-Jen Huang, Antony K. Liu, Chung-Ru Ho, Nan-Jung Kuo Remote Sensing of Environment
2009-07 期刊論文 An Algorithm for Cold Patch Detection in the Sea off Northeast Taiwan Using Multi-Sensor Data Cheng, Yu-Hsin, Chung-Ru Ho, Zhe-Wen Zheng, Yung-Hsiang Lee, and Nan-Jung Kuo sensors



